- Receiving your Diploma
- Current Semester Graduates
Diplomas will be mailed to all students two weeks after the release of official transcripts.. Your Diploma mailing (DI) address needs to be updated 15 days prior to the diploma release date in order to be used. To update your address, please complete the following:
- On the Student tab of Ursa, in the Personal Information area, click the Update Addresses and Phones link.
- At the bottom of the page, click the drop down next to Type of Address to Insert, select Diploma Mailing and click Submit.
- Enter the current date in the Valid From field and leave the Until This Date field blank.
- Enter the address where you would like to receive your diploma.
- You may change your Diploma Mailing (DI) address through the Update Address and Phones link up until 15 days prior to the release date.
If you do not provide a Diploma Mailing (DI) address, your diploma will be mailed to your permanent address. In the event there is no permanent address on file, the parent address will be used instead.
If you do not have an active mailing address, your diploma will not be printed. Within a year from the date of graduation, you may request a diploma be printed for no charge. After the one-year time period, you will be required to pay the diploma issue fee.
If you have a hold on your account, your diploma will not be printed. Within a year from the date of graduation, you may request a diploma be printed for no charge. After the one-year time period, you will be required to pay the diploma issue fee.
Please contact the Office of the Registrar at graduation@lqqqhuanbao.com or 970-351-4862, option 3.
- Previous Semester Graduates
Students must provide a Diploma Mailing (DI) address in Ursa. if no diploma address is provided, the diploma will be mailed to a permanent address in Ursa. In the event there is no permanent address on file, the parent address will be used. If you do not have an active mailing address, your diploma will not be printed.
Students can request their diploma to be mailed in these situations within one year from the date of graduation and it will be printed at no charge. If your diploma was never mailed because of no address, you will need to update your Diploma Mailing address in Ursa and then contact the office of the Registrar.
If you update your address after your graduation date, you will need to contact the Office of the Registrar at 970-351-4862 option #3.
We will hold diplomas for one year. After one year, all diplomas will be recycled and a fee will be required to re-issue the diploma.
- Re-Issued Diploma
- Current Students
Please go to your Ursa account/Student Tab/Important Links/Ordering Official Transcripts.
- Alumni and Former Students
Place your order on the Parchment exchange website
If you have not already created an account, please click on Create Account.
Red asterisked items must match exactly in order to verify your identity within our system. All other items will be used to authenticate your identity. Please complete the entire form. Email Address and Password are required to create an account.
If you do not know your Student Number (Bear Number), please visit the following link http://apps.lqqqhuanbao.com/bnLookup/
Follow the directions on the website.
If you have created an account previously to order a transcript/reissued diploma, please click Sign in and follow the directions in the website
If you have any questions about setting up a Parchment account or are experiencing issues with ordering, please call 888-666-9408. If you have questions relating to UNC coursework or account holds, please contact 970-351-4862 or email transcript@lqqqhuanbao.com.
Replacement diplomas bear the statement "Reissued Diploma" and are signed by the current signatories.
Reissued diplomas cannot be ordered before a degree is awarded.
Note: If you never received your original diploma and you have graduated in the last year please contact the Office of the Registrar before placing an order. If your diploma was not picked up after one year, your diploma will be recycled and a reissued diploma order will be required to re-issue your diploma.
Order Type Guaranteed Production Price*** Standard - USPS Direct Mail** 10 business days $25 **Standard orders are placed every Monday at 9am MST. Rush - UPS Ground* 5 business days $40 Rush - UPS 2nd Day Air* 5 business days $50 Rush - UPS Next Day Air* 5 business days $80 Immediate - UPS Overnight* 24 hours $100 International Rush -
UPS Global Express*5 business days $100 International Immediate -
UPS Global Express*24 hours $125 *Production begins the same day for all orders placed
before 9am MST.***Prices above are for one diploma and shipping, each additional diploma is $20. - Apostille
- Diploma
To obtain an apostille of a diploma:
Place your order on the Parchment exchange website
If you have not already created an account, please click on Create Account.
Red asterisked items must match exactly in order to verify your identity within our system. All other items will be used to authenticate your identity. Please complete the entire form. Email Address and Password are required to create an account. If you have created an account for Transcript orders it will be the same log in and password.
If you do not know your Student Number (Bear Number), please visit http://apps.lqqqhuanbao.com/bnLookup/
After you have placed the order please contact graduation@lqqqhuanbao.com or 970-351-4862, option 3.
Apostille diplomas bear the statement "Reissued Diploma" and are signed by the current signatories.
When placing your order, please use the following address to have the diploma sent to our office. Do not have it sent back to your home address:
University of Northern Colorado Office of the Registrar Campus Commons 2120 Campus Box 50 Greeley, CO 80639- Send UNC a check, made out to the State of Colorado, for the $5.00 processing fee. Once the diploma and check have been received, UNC will prepare the documents to be apostilled.
- Please provide UNC with the country in which the document(s) will be used.
Once UNC has prepared the documents, you have the following two options:
- UNC will submit the documents in a #10 envelope to the Secretary of State. Once the apostille is complete, the Secretary of State will return the documents to the address indicated by you. This process may take up to 3 weeks. Currently there is a $5.00 processing fee charged by the State of Colorado, however, please visit the Secretary of State Website for updated fee information before ordering.
- You may choose to hand carry the documentation prepared by the Office of the Registrar to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office in Denver if you need quicker service or need the document to remain unfolded. The Secretary of State considers this an “Expedited Service”, for which they charge a fee. Check the Secretary of State Website for their current fee for this process.
Order Type Guaranteed Production Price*** Standard - USPS Direct Mail** 10 business days $25 **Standard orders are placed every Monday at 9am MST. Rush - UPS Ground* 5 business days $40 Rush - UPS 2nd Day Air* 5 business days $50 Rush - UPS Next Day Air* 5 business days $80 Immediate - UPS Overnight* 24 hours $100 International Rush - UPS Global Express* 5 business days $100 International Immediate - UPS Global Express* 24 hour $125 *Production begins the same day for all orders placed
before 9am MST.***Prices above are for one diploma and shipping, each additional diploma is $20. Your check to the State of Colorado should be mailed to the following address:
University of Northern Colorado
Office of the Registrar
Campus Commons 2120
Campus Box 50
Greeley, CO 80639For questions, please e-mail graduation@lqqqhuanbao.com.
- Transcript
- Contact Laura Beyers at laura.beyers@lqqqhuanbao.com or 970-351-1845.
- She will take your information and instruct you to order and pay for the official paper transcript online
- The State of Colorado requires paper transcripts. eTranscripts or PDF copies will not be accepted.
- Send us a check, made out to the State of Colorado, for the $5.00 processing fee.
- Please provide UNC with the country in which the document(s) will be used.
Once UNC has prepared the documents, you have the following two options:
- UNC will submit the documents in a #10 envelope to the Secretary of State. Once the apostille is complete, the Secretary of State will return the documents to the address indicated by you. This process may take up to 3 weeks. Currently there is a $5.00 processing fee charged by the State of Colorado, however, please visit the Secretary of State Website for updated fee information before ordering.
- You may choose to hand carry the documentation prepared by the Office of the Registrar to the Colorado Secretary of State’s office in Denver if you need quicker service or need the document to remain unfolded. The Secretary of State considers this an “Expedited Service”, for which they charge a fee. Check the Secretary of State Website for their current fee for this process.